Iterm Serial

PID Motor Control with an Arduino

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The definitve guide to setting up a USB Serial adapter and iTerm2 on OSX

PID motor control with an Arduino example. Uses our FIRSTBOT Arduino-compatible design to implement an analog feedback motor position controller.

A terminal emulator, terminal application, term, or tty for short, is a program that emulates a video terminal within some other display architecture.

Home Hobbybotics Reflow Controller V8.03 Hobbybotics Reflow Controller V8.03. Introduction. The Reflow Process. What is PID. Controller Circuit. Documentation.

The following parts below will go true the software for the balancing bot.. Part one: sensor, setup and fixed time loop Part two: sensors aquisition smoothing and.

PID motor control with an Arduino can be accomplished using simple firmware.  In this example we use our Firstbot Arduino-Compatible controller to implement a PID based position controller using analog feedback and a potentiometer for control.  This is similar in operation to a hobby servo, but the potentiometer provides the control signal instead of a pulse from a receiver and of course you are using a motor, not an RC servo.

PID control is fairly common means of controlling a system using a well defined algorithm.  You can learn more about the algorithm at Wikipedia see PID Controller. They are used in industrial control systems of all types.  In this case I m using it to control the position of a motor.  I have a potentiometer that outputs a 0-5VDC control voltage.  Attached to my motor shaft is an analog encoder that also outputs a value of 0-5VDC over a single rotation of the motor US Digital MA3 encoder.    The idea is that when I turn the pot the motor follows the turn and stops where the pot stops.

P, I, and D stand for proportional, integral, and derivative.  Generally speaking the proportional P part of the control algorithm provides most of the push to get things moving.  The integral I term is used to act on small errors and force gradual changes over time.  The derivative D part of the equation acts to damp oscillations or abrupt changes in the control signal.  The D term is usually works to oppose abrupt changes caused by the P term.

Here s the code for the equation I used.  The gain constants are set in the code, but could be made programmable through some other interface.

void CalculatePID void

// Set constants here

PTerm 2000;

ITerm 25;

DTerm 0;

Divider 10;

// Calculate the PID

Accumulator Error 0 ; // accumulator is sum of errors

PID Error 0 PTerm; // start with proportional gain

PID ITerm Accumulator; // add integral gain and error accumulation

PID DTerm Error 0 -Error 9 ; // differential gain comes next

Here are the major components of the PID detailed.

Error Signal-  At the heart of PID control is a need to measure an error signal.  In this case it is the desired position voltage from the pot minus the actual position voltage from the encoder.   The error value is signed.

void GetError void

byte i 0;

// read analogs

word ActualPosition analogRead ActPos ;

word DesiredPosition analogRead DesPos ;

// shift error values

for i 9;i 0;i--

Error i Error i-1 ;

// load new error into top array spot

Error 0 long DesiredPosition- long ActualPosition;

PTerm –The error signal is multiplied the P term and this provides most of the umph behind the motor s movement.  A negative error signal causes the P term create a negative motor movement.  Likewise, if my error signal is 0 then the P term has no impact on the motor.

ITerm – The I term is generally much smaller than the P term.  There is also an accumulator associated with the I term.  The accumulator sums up error signals over time.  Eventually even small errors build up to be large number, when that happens a small I term will  cause to move the motor.

In some systems it is important to prevent windup of the accumulator also called saturation.   Windup occurs when the small errors build so high that when movement finally occurs it takes a long time for the accumulator to reduce to an insignificant amount.  I didn t add any windup protection here, but it can often be addressed by limiting the size of the accumulator.


if Accumulator 40000

Accumulator 40000;

if Accumulator

Accumulator -40000;

DTerm – While I have the D term in this equation it is not used for this motor control application see DTerm 0 in the code.   The D term is multiplied by the change in the error signal error – last error.   Sometimes it is useful to store your error measurements in an array and use as your last error something a little further back in time.  For fast changing systems, like a motor controller, the derivative portion of the PID has little impact unless you make it very large, or compare error signals with adequate time between their sampling.  In this code the derivative error is the latest error signal minus the 10th previous error.

Divider – When you put the PID together you get a pretty big value.  This value needs to be scaled to a value that matched the pulse-width modulation range for the controller.  The Divider does that.  You ll notice that the division of the PID is accomplished by right-rotates as opposed to division.  This is just a faster way of accomplishing the same thing.  And the faster your PID loop runs the more responsive it can be to commanded changes.

PID PID Divider; // scale PID down with divider

Converting the PID to PWM- Once your PID is calculated you need to change it to a motor drive signal.  The sign of the PID output determines the direction the motor should be driven and the divider previously discussed should get you in the right neighborhood for a final number.  Now you need to make sure the PID register contains a value that s neither too large or too small.

if PID 127

PID 127;

if PID -126

PID -126;

//PWM output should be between 1 and 254 so we add to the PID

PWMOutput PID 127;

The FIRSTBOT accepts a range of 1 to 254 1 full reverse, 127 stopped, 254 full forward.   So we want our PID to be in the area of –126 to 127, and we ll add 127 to it to get our 1-254 range.

Tuning the PID- Trail and error works.  There are a number of methods of tuning PID algorithms, you can research those online.  For something like a generic motor position controller using analog signals you can start by adjusting your proportional settings until you get rough control.  If your proportional term is too high the movement will be sharp and choppy.  If too low, it will be slow.  This is also when you dial in the divider value to make sure your PID output falls within your PWM requirements.

Then increase your integral term until the final desired position is reached.  The integral term is usually much smaller than the proportional term.  An integral term that is too high will cause oscillations of the motor.  Too low and it has no impact at all.  If your motor tends to twitch you may need to add some kind of windup detection as discussed above.

The settings I used for this design got me to within /-10 ADC counts within a couple of seconds.  That is right at about 1 accuracy or 3.5 degrees for a single rotation.

The code has a lot of commented out print statements that can be commented in during certain tests to see what those variables look like.  Those can be useful when tuning the PID.

PID Loop Time:  You can see from this code that it is very simple.  The serial communication that sends data to the FIRSTBOT s other motor controller IC a PIC16F1829 occurs every 10mS.  Not super fast, but it certainly works for many applications.

Here s all of the code together.


Firstbot PID code: Implements a PID controller using

analog inputs for actual and desired positions.

The circuit:

RX is digital pin 2 connect to TX of other device

TX is digital pin 3 connect to RX of other device



// define some constants

int ActPos A0; // select the input pin for feedback signal

int DesPos A1; // select the input pin for control signal

byte PWMOutput;

long Error 10 ;

long Accumulator;

long PID;

int PTerm;

int ITerm;

int DTerm;

byte Divider;

The FIRSTBOT has a PIC16F1829 controller that controls the

two MC33926 H-bridges on the board. A oftware serial interface

is used to control that part.

SoftwareSerial mySerial 2, 3 ; // Receive data on 2, send data on 3

byte SerialTXBuffer 5 ;

byte SerialRXBuffer 5 ;

void setup

// Open serial communications and wait for port to open:

Serial.begin 9600 ;

mySerial.begin 9600 ;

/ GetError :

Read the analog values, shift the Error array down

one spot, and load the new error value into the

top of array.

// comment out to speed up PID loop

// Serial.print ActPos ;

// Serial.println ActualPosition,DEC ;

// Serial.print DesPos ;

// Serial.println DesiredPosition,DEC ;

// Serial.print Error ;

// Serial.println Error 0, DEC ;

/ CalculatePID :

Error 0 is used for latest error, Error 9 with the DTERM

// comment out to speed up PID loop

//Serial.print PID ;

// Serial.println PID,DEC ;

// limit the PID to the resolution we have for the PWM variable

// Serial.print PWMOutput ;

// Serial.println PWMOutput,DEC ;

/ WriteRegister :

Writes a single byte to the PIC16F1829,

Value to the register pointed at by Index.

Returns the response

byte WriteRegister byte Index, byte Value

byte i 0;

byte checksum 0;

byte ack 0;

SerialTXBuffer 0 210;

SerialTXBuffer 1 1;

SerialTXBuffer 2 3;

SerialTXBuffer 3 Index;

SerialTXBuffer 4 Value;

for i 0;i 6;i

if i. 5

mySerial.write SerialTXBuffer i ;

checksum SerialTXBuffer i ;


mySerial.write checksum ;

delay 5 ;

if mySerial.available

ack ;

return ack;

void loop // run over and over

GetError ; // Get position error

CalculatePID ; // Calculate the PID output from the error

WriteRegister 9,PWMOutput ; // Set motor speed.

Using a few guides on the web and a little bit of ingenuity I was able

to get my FTDI-based, USB to 2x Serial adapter working in Mac OSX 10.9

Mavericks with iTerm 2. This post documents the process and resources

used in the hope of becoming the definitive guide to setting up a USB

serial adapter in OSX and using iTerm2 as the terminal emulator. Even if

it isn t quite definitive, it should at least be useful to others - I


Choose your weapon

The dual serial adapter above is my weapon of

choice. You can pick one up for about 20 on Amazon not an affiliate

link. Generally speaking, I ve had better experience with FTDI chipsets

so if you are in the market for an adapter, I d recommend checking the

chipset first

Driver Installation


Download the FTDI VCP driver for OSX

Install the drivers

For Prolific

Download the drivers from here

A quick note on terminal emulation in OSX

Most likely you have used a USB-serial adapter in Windows. When

installed It appears as a COM port, you point TeraTerm or HyperTerminal

to that COM port and everything automagically works. In OSX things are

decidely more UNIX-like. When the adapter is installed you will see a

new tty and cu devices in /dev. To access these you need an

application to attach to the cu device.

Why cu and not tty. Because TTY-lines are for inbound

connections and Call-Up cu lines are for outbound.

There are a number of applications that can do this, but I m going to

focus on using screen as it s built in to OSX.

Setting up iTerm2

I use iTerm2 for all my terminal needs in OSX, more on that later

Right now we re going to focus on adding a profile for your USB

adapter s.

Open iTerm2 and enter the following to find your usb serial TTY s

ls /dev/ grep cu.usbserial

Open the Preferences menu and click Profiles

Add a new profile or duplicate your existing one a give it a

descriptive name. Something like USB Serial 1 - 9600baud for


In the Command section, select Command and enter the following,

replacing FTDYUKSO with the output from Step 1.

screen /dev/cu.usbserial-FTDYUKSO


in the screen command you can add anything from the

screen manpage and/or a comma separated list of values from the

stty manpage The following will give you a 9600 baud, 8-bits per

character, no parity and 1 stop bit default for most network


-f 9600,cs8,-parenb,-cstopb,-hupcl

Repeat steps 3 and 4 for the second adapter.


Using your USB Serial adapter

Open iTerm

Select one of the profiles you just created

Hit Enter and begin

To quit, press CTRL A K or CTRL A then CTRL

Note: If you don t quit properly, i.e just closing the tab in iTerm,

you will leave the your session alive and you won t be able to

reconnect until you kill the session manually.


Hopefully this guide has been useful in helping you get set up with your

USB serial adapter in Mac OSX. If you find mistakes, have feedback or

questions feel free to use the comments section below.


The following resources were used to write this blog post:

Mike s PBX Cookbook Screen Notes.

I often have to do router configuration via a console port, so I use a Keyspan Serial Adapter to get access. Two problems then present themselves.

iterm serial

I m a Unix/Linux admin and long-time Putty user who converted to OS X. I think iTerm is closer to Putty than anything else on OS X. You can setup iTerm to auto.